How to Chant on Beads

ChantingBhakti yoga practice includes chanting the Hare Krishna mantra softly to oneself. This is called japa.

While chanting, one generally keeps the sacred japa beads in a bead bag/gomukhi bag to keep them clean and off the floor. A ‘gomukhi’ is a special cover made in the shape of a cow’s mouth. It is mentioned in our ancient texts that while chanting mantras on a rosary it should always be kept inside the gomukhi bag. One side of the bag is large enough to insert your hand. Your index finger coming out the smaller hole on the other side helps you hold on to the bag. Place your beads in the bag, and you’re ready to go.

There are 108 beads and one larger bead, known as the head bead, or Krishna bead. Begin with the bead next to the Krishna bead. Gently roll the bead between the thumb and middle finger of your right hand while chanting guru mantra.

Then move forward to the next bead (pulling the bead towards you, into your hand) and repeat the guru mantra.

In this way, continue chanting on each of the 108 beads in the strand until you again reach the Krishna bead. This is known as one round of japa and usually takes few minutes.

If you are going to chant more than one round of japa, then, without chanting on the Krishna bead, turn the strand around and begin the next round. (Continue pulling beads towards you, as before.)

Chant clearly and try to hear the holy names with attention. Some chanters find that looking at the mantra or a picture of Krishna helps them concentrate. If that works for you, that’s fine. But remember that the goal is attentive hearing.

Where can I get the beads and bead bag?

You’ll find a good selection in our store.

“Jai Jai Shri Radhe”

Wearing Tulsi Beads Around The Neck

Tulsi BeadsTulsi is thought to be the most sacred of woods in India and Indian worship, and the plant of Tulsi is believed to be the incarnation of the Divine itself. The Tulsi Mala is made of the wood or the seeds of Tulsi and is used for name chanting and worship.

Moreover, the Tulsi Mala is said to have incredible spiritual and physical healing powers apart from helping the mind to focus during prayers. Like the Sphatik Mala and the Rudraksh Mala.

The Tulsi Mala is made of Tulsi wood and consists of 108 beads wound around a strong string, with a 109th bead called the Sumeru bead of some other material like a metal or crystal, or a bigger Tulsi bead itself. One starts counting the beads from the bead adjacent to the Sumeru bead of the Tulsi Mala and completes one full round. On second round the Tulsi Mala needs to be counted in the reverse direction again as the Sumeru bead should not be crossed while praying. Depending on the type of the Tulsi plant, the Tulsi Mala is available in various colors like black, brown or sandalwood color.

The Tulsi Mala can be worn on the neck or tied around the fist. The benefits of the leaves of Tulsi is well proven, and owing to its spiritual and physical healing powers, the touch of the Tulsi wood acts as a rejuvenator for the stressed mind and brings the spiritual self of a person closer to God. On top of that, wearing the Tulsi Mala is supposed to bring good luck and fortune to the devoted wearer. It is said to balance the kapha and the vata dosha. Tulsi clears the aura, and its subtle smell fills the heart with sensation of the divine. The Tulsi Mala is used to worship Lord Ram and Krishna, different incarnations of Lord Vishnu who is believed to be the creator and the beloved of the Tulsi.

The Lord says that one who wears the beads made out of the wood of Tulsi in one’s neck, even if he is untidy and ill- charactered, will undoubtedly attain Me only. Sri Krishna will grant the fruit of being the resident of Dvarka immediately to those who wear Tulsi beads around the neck. The sins of the person who wears neck beads made of Tulsi with devotion after offering to Sri Vishnu will get vanquished and Devakinandan Sri Krishna will always remain pleased with him, he does not need to undergo further atonement, no more sins remain in his body. In Kaliyuga, one, who is bedecked with the beads made of Tulsi, performs ritual activities and activities pertaining to ancestors and demigods, obtains crores times more results. The messengers of Yama will flee away by the sight of the Tulsi beads just as leaves are blown off by wind.

In Skanda-puran it is stated :- Those who wear neck beads made of Tulsi after offering it to Sri Hari are definitely foremost among the devotees of Lord. After presenting the mala, it should be purified with panca-gavya; after that the mula -mantra should be recited followed by the recitation of the gayatri mantra for eight times. Touching with incense, worship with this

Sadyojata -mantra with utmost devotion:

Om sadyojatah prapadyami sadyojataya vai namo namah.

Bhave tave nadi bhave bhajeswamam bhavod-bhavaya namah After that, this prayer should be made, “Oh! Mala ! You are made of Tulsi and are dear to Vaisnavas . I wear you around my neck; you make me dear to Sri Krishna. ‘Ma’ means ‘me’, ‘La’ means ‘to give’. Oh Hari-Vallabhe ! You have given me to Vaisnava devotees, hence you are known as mala . Those Vaisnavas who pray in accordance with rituals in this manner and first offer the mala in the neck of Sri Krishna and then puts it to themselves attain the Lotus feet of Sri Vishnu.” It is stated in Padma Purana : either during morning ablutions or bathing or eating or at any state which is clean or unclean, Tulsi mala has to be worn always; that means mala should not be removed under any circumstance.


Health Benefits of Tulsi (Sciance)

– It acts as anti bacterial and anti parasitic, therefore is widely used in infectious diseases.- Tulasi act on nervous system providing them strength, relieves stress and helps in relieving

– It work as appetizer and promotes digestion by helping in secretion of digestive enzymes.

– Tulsi juice when mixed with ginger juice is very effective in abdominal disorder in children.

– It helps in preventing flatulence and avoids constipated stool.

– It is an effective natural cure for upper respiratory tract infection (URTI).

– Tulasi works as good expectorant relieving from wet cough.

– It is very useful in bronchitis and asthmatic conditions.

– It works as antibiotic eliminating the bacteria.

– It is widely used in fever as it act as antipyretic, pain reliever, and provides strength to our body.
Take powder of Tulasi leaves with saunth (dried ginger) and sugar with hot water in fevers.

– It also possesses anti-cancerous properties.

– Tulsi juice drops are very effective in earache.

– Keep powder of tulsi root in water for overnight and take it early morning for diabetes natural cure.

– It works as a powerful antioxidant thereby helps in preventing early aging signs and makes the skin

“Jai Shri Radhe”

How to perform a simple Tulsi Vivah Puja Aarti Ceremony at Home

Tulsi Vivah
Step 1: Clean the area around the Tulsi plant. Sprinkle a little water on the tulsi plant and clean the idol ofimage or picture of Lord Vishnu (or Lord Krishna).  The idol can be a substitute for the shaligram, which is generally brought by the priest who can be called to perform the Tulsi Vivah ceremony. You can do a small rangoli design in front of the tulsi plant pot.

Step 2: Prepare a thali having a diya and red flowers (hibiscus flowers can be used); and another thali containing a saree, a blouse piece, a packet of mahendi, a kohl stick or box, a box of sindoor (red vermillion powder) and a few green bangles.Also keep a thali of fruits, tamarind and amla pieces. The reason for this: The tulsi is considered to be a plant of the forest (van), so anything which grows on the trees is offered as part of the Tulsi Vivah ceremony.

Step 3: Take 4 sugarcane sticks and place it at 4 corners around the tulis plant pot, connecting them with strong threads. This is the traditional way, done in the courtyards of villages. Alternatively, you can gently insert the  sugarcane sticks in the soil around the tulsi plant.

Step 4: Place a small bright cloth (this is generally red in colour and resembles a scarf or odhni) on the tulsi plant. Apply a bit of the sindoor on a leaf of the Tulsi plant. Throw the red flowers on the tulsi plant. Offer the fruits, tamarind and amla pieces. Say the Tulsi Aaarti.

Place the thali for the wedding (saree, blouse, bangles, etc) in front of the tulsi plant pot. Light the diya in the thali and perform the aarti of the tulsi plant. Apply a tika of sandalwood paste on the forehead of the idol/image/shaligram of Lord Vishnu (in some homes, a thali of men’s clothing is also offered with a sacred thread). Offer a little of the pre-pared poha dish (you can put it in the same thali as the fruits).

Step 5: Once the aarti is completed, a little of the poha is offered to family members and guests. The fruits can also be eaten later. In many homes, the lady who performed the Tulsi Vivah ceremony also eats a leaf of the tulsi plant, symbolically implying that the Goddess has entered her body.

Step 6: The thali containing the wedding items is generally offered to a Brahmini (female ascetic).


“Jai Shri Radhe”