How to Chant on Beads

ChantingBhakti yoga practice includes chanting the Hare Krishna mantra softly to oneself. This is called japa.

While chanting, one generally keeps the sacred japa beads in a bead bag/gomukhi bag to keep them clean and off the floor. A ‘gomukhi’ is a special cover made in the shape of a cow’s mouth. It is mentioned in our ancient texts that while chanting mantras on a rosary it should always be kept inside the gomukhi bag. One side of the bag is large enough to insert your hand. Your index finger coming out the smaller hole on the other side helps you hold on to the bag. Place your beads in the bag, and you’re ready to go.

There are 108 beads and one larger bead, known as the head bead, or Krishna bead. Begin with the bead next to the Krishna bead. Gently roll the bead between the thumb and middle finger of your right hand while chanting guru mantra.

Then move forward to the next bead (pulling the bead towards you, into your hand) and repeat the guru mantra.

In this way, continue chanting on each of the 108 beads in the strand until you again reach the Krishna bead. This is known as one round of japa and usually takes few minutes.

If you are going to chant more than one round of japa, then, without chanting on the Krishna bead, turn the strand around and begin the next round. (Continue pulling beads towards you, as before.)

Chant clearly and try to hear the holy names with attention. Some chanters find that looking at the mantra or a picture of Krishna helps them concentrate. If that works for you, that’s fine. But remember that the goal is attentive hearing.

Where can I get the beads and bead bag?

You’ll find a good selection in our store.

“Jai Jai Shri Radhe”